How do you know if you need tax debt relief services?

You know you need tax debt relief services if:

You Have Unpaid Back Taxes

Unpaid back taxes, especially for more than one year, can create situations that are difficult for people with low income and few assets to escape. If you simply do not have the means to pay your back taxes — particularly if you have multiple years’ worth — seeking tax debt resolution services is generally more reasonable than ignoring or trying to deal with them on your own.

You are Experiencing Wage Garnishment

A wage garnishment is one of the most common and most aggressive forms of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) collection action and is one of the most important reasons to seek tax debt resolution as soon as possible. It can also be administered by State Departments of Revenue. When this occurs, a percentage of your paycheck will be withheld and sent to the Department of Treasury or to the State in which you owe until your tax liability is satisfied.

Improving your financial situation can be virtually impossible if you are losing a significant portion of your income as a result of your tax debt, and tax debt resolution is a crucial aspect of sorting out your tax situation and getting back on your feet. The right tax professional can release most wage garnishments, especially in cases where you are not able to meet your monthly expenses because of it.

You Have a Tax Lien

If you owe a past due to IRS or State tax debt, the IRS or State tax departments of revenue can place a lien on your property that you own or come to own to collect on your tax debt. A tax lien on your home or other assets is also a major reason to work with a professional to resolve your tax debt. The right professional may be able to get this lien removed once you have established a plan for resolving your tax debt. The assets the federal tax lien attaches to includes your bank accounts, income, property, and assets. If you quickly act a federal tax lien can sometimes be withdrawn or released.


In many cases by correcting mistakes or filing the proper tax forms that were not done originally, a favorable tax resolution can be obtained. There are many options available to a taxpayer to resolve their back tax debt. For taxpayers who are unable to pay their tax debt liability in full there are a few important options to consider. An offer in compromise, an installment agreement, and currently non-collectible status are three common options to consider.

Downsides of Not Resolving Tax Debt

Although it can be tempting to simply ignore your tax debt if you know you have no way to pay it, especially as the IRS technically cannot collect a tax debt after 10 years, going this route will ultimately cause more problems than taking the initiative to discuss your options with a tax professional. Some of the primary downsides include:

  • Your tax debt will be sent to collections
  • You lose any tax refund money you may otherwise be eligible for
  • Additional interest being charged on your tax bill
  • Levies on your income, bank account, or other assets
  • A potential impact on your credit score if a lien is filed against you

Avoid these potentially devastating downsides by calling a tax debt relief professional. I will gladly answer questions about tax debts relief and representation before the IRS. I encourage you to contact and schedule an appointment.